Màn hình giao diện HMI
Đăng ngày 25-06-2014 07:59:40 AM

12.1" TFT 256-color display 800x600 screen resolution Communication cards for PMU-730 is compatible with PMU-830.

Màn hình giao diện HMI
Đăng ngày 25-06-2014 07:56:58 AM

10.4" TFT 256-color display, 640*480 screen resolution

Màn hình giao diện HMI
Đăng ngày 25-06-2014 07:54:47 AM

7.5" STN256 color display, 640¡¿480 screen resolution

Màn hình giao diện HMI
Đăng ngày 25-06-2014 07:50:16 AM

Configuration Model Content Main Board PMU-330TT 5.5" TFT 256-color display, 320¡¿240 screen resolution PMU-330ST 5.7" STN 256-color display, 320¡¿240 screen resolution PMU-330BT 5.7" STN single color display 320¡¿240 screen resolution Communication card PMO-330F Fnet communication card PMO-330R Rnet communication card

Đăng ngày 25-06-2014 07:48:32 AM


Đăng ngày 25-06-2014 07:46:54 AM

*Monitoring and controlling PLC, exclusive controller, PC, etc. by graphic screen *Pixels and characters *-400 characters for English (6¡¿8 dot) *500 pages of memory screens *Touch interface screen *Multi communication port *Display color: Blue/White *Dimensions: W145¡¿H75¡¿D37mm *Display range: 112.8¡¿37.6mm

Đăng ngày 25-06-2014 07:45:19 AM

1) Screen : 192×64 Graphic STN LCD 2) System RAM : 1000 words 3) Flash memory : Program/Parameter back up 4) Communication : Half-duplex comm. - Baud rate : 1200~115200 bps - Master/slave setting available - RS-232C/RS-485 2 CH separate to use 5) Power reguirements - 24 V input or 5 V direct input by LS PLC 6) Various fuction key - ESC, ALM, SET, ENT, F1~F4, Arrow keys 7) Panel Editor - Easy programming and HW setting

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